The chapel of Salvatore

  • Italiano
  • English

The chapel of Salvatore
The second half of the 13th century
frescoes and stuccoes

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The presence in the niche of the Christ Pantocrator induces to identify this as the chapel dedicated to Salvatore by Gentile Guizono or Guinzoni in 1348, although the pictorial cycle shows to be earlier than this date. It is the only chapel which retains much of the original pictorial writing unit, although some are headless and very fragmentary preservation condition. In the middle stands Triumphant Christ, which lacks the face, depicted with open arms, his right hand in blessing and the other with the book of Sacred Scripture. The draping of the clothes are marked by intense highlights. Among the stylized rays of light stands, higher above, the dove of the Holy Spirit, while in the under-arch, enclosed in a clypeus, appears the bust of an angel with strong shadows that emphasize his eyes. On the sides there are two anonymous blessing Saints, both geting a roll. The decoration of the bigger frame consists of an elegant succession quadrilobes.

